   Do you know why you write?
                 Have you ever asked yourself what motivate you to write?
Writers write because they want to…
. Express themselves, sharing their emotions, ideas and feelings
. Help others
. Educate
. Inform the public
.Writing is therapeutic and pleasurable.
.Writing can help you to cope and figure out how you feel
I enjoy writing and this makes me happy. It is not about money or fame but the feeling of having accomplished something, the satisfaction of creating something from scratch. And knowing what motivates me to write, gives me the strength to keep going.
I started to write when I was 13 years old. I used to watch series on TV and I thought, why not write one too. It wasn’t as easy as I thought, I wrote some chapters and then I gave up.
In my school they had “poetry contests” and I fell in love with poetry. I wrote hundreds of poems. Two of my poems were published, which motivated me to continue writing. My dream was to write a novel, but with family and full time job, I never found the time to start.
When I moved to Germany, leaving behind my career as Physiotherapist, I had to reinvent myself. I decided to start writing again. I had the time, I had the idea. And I needed to have something to work on, otherwise I would have gone crazy. I can say that writing saved me from boredom and gave me a purpose.
I wrote and self published the novel “Perfect Match”, a story of family bonds, love and betrayal.

Why do you write? I would like to know.